Upcoming Projects

Rose’s Thorns

with co-author S.P. Joseph Lyons – Seeking Representation

Death follows Rose. To escape the secret that haunts her, Rose Noble uses drugs, alcohol, sex, and DJ Sly’s music. She is a ghost of who she once was and her path is leading her to an early death.

DJ Sly, or Matwau Winask (Mat), is an Algonquin DJ and club owner with an even darker secret. He’s a death reaper who risks everything to keep Rose from the grave.

Their friendship guides Rose to face her demons but costs Mat everything. After narrowly escaping a murder charge from a racist cop, Mat is forced to abandon the life he built, his club, and Rose. But the sacred item he left in Rose’s possession will bring him back into her life and pull Rose into a world of spirits and death in following sequels.

ROSE’S THORNS is an indigenous adult fantasy novel combining culture, magic, suspense, and raw human emotion in a journey toward soul wounding and healing. There is potential for a slow-burn romance throughout a continuing series. We have queried multiple agents.


Hekate’s Men Series – in progress

Three book paranormal romance series featuring three male witches as they battle the spirit world and find love.

